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Why don't all bald men just get hair transplants?


Why don’t all overweight people get lipo?

Why don’t all short people wear lifts in their shoes?

Why don’t all ugly people get plastic surgery?

No one is perfect, and it takes confidence and security to accept that for yourself.

Men don’t get transplants because it’s the easy way out. It’s a cop out. It’s a declaration that you couldn’t handle the same shit over half of the male population will experience. Seriously - over 50% of men will face notable hairloss in their lifetime. It takes an incredibly insecure and shallow person to crumble in the face of adversity as common as hair loss.

Imagine this. You’re a guy in his twenties and you’re losing your hair. You stress about it, search for help on Quora, rock a sad comb over and an insecure slouch. In your downward spiral, your long time girlfriend leaves you and it’s the last straw. You need to get your hair back. You need a transplant!

You get the very painful surgery done, and follow the brutal aftercare process for the next 6 months. However, a year later, your buds start to sprout and you’ve got your hair back. Congrats, you beat hair loss.

You’re feeling pretty good about yourself again. You’ve got a spring in your step. Then one day you run into that ex girlfriend at the grocery store and she’s with her new boyfriend - and he’s bald!

You might think “Pfft, nice scalp, baldy”, because you want to hate him. You want to imagine she’s traded you in for a lesser model. You want to believe you’re the alpha male - the better man - but deep down inside you know it’s a lie. Despite all your new hair and the confidence it gives you, this bald guy will forever own you, because not only does he have your girl, but he had the fuckin’ stones to face something you couldn’t. When shit got tough, you ran, while he stayed and dug deep. You will never be that guy because you wimped out and you’ll always know that.

Maybe I'm being dramatic. Maybe you get your hair back and it makes you happier with your appearance. Maybe it revives your look and pumps you full of youth.

On the other hand, does this shit look pleasant?

This video was posted by BuzzfeedBlue


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