This question was originally answered on Quora.
That’s a loaded question that requires 2 totally different answers.
From the time you notice your thinning crown or receding hairline, to the point you pick up the buzzer to finally get it over with, is brutal. You think you’re just losing your hair, but you’ll quickly find you lose your self-esteem, confidence, competence, and sanity. You stress about it, then you read that stress causes hair loss, so then you really stress because you can’t stop stressing - how’s that for fucked up?
For me personally, shit got DARK. Not only was I losing my hair by my first year of university, but I was a friggin’ skinny ginger kid who wore glasses. As far as looks go, I was already screwed. Throw hair loss into the equation and I’d be a damn creature. That was my biggest struggle - who could love such a hideous beast? It’s not like I had a bunch of money or a good personality to fall back on. I was out of the running for gold-diggers, girls who care about the inside - I was a net zero.
Apart from wondering how I’d ever get a girlfriend, I couldn’t help but feel like everyone was staring at me. Wondering shit like, “Is that a really old looking young guy, or a really young looking old guy?” I tried my best to own the fact that I was balding, but it didn’t help squash the feeling that everyone was laughing at me. Maybe that’s the best way to put it - I felt like a total joke of a person.
After fighting for a few years I finally admitted it was a losing battle. I would forever look like a candy apple - my large, egg of a head sitting perched on a toddlers skinny body. I grabbed the razor and shaved my head.
That’s where the second answer comes in - shaving your head will be the best decision you make, because going bald is so much worse than being bald.
Shaving my head actually made my head look smaller, and in turn made my prepubescent looking body look a bit bigger. Without a hairline you couldn’t claim my forehead was a fivehead, and to top it off, my skull has a pretty good shape to it.
As far as the physical goes, I was relieved to say the least. Shaving my head was an actual improvement. However, the real change happened in my head, not on it.
I realized how stupid I was for caring so much about my hair, and my entire perspective changed when it came to what I value in myself. People aren’t attracted to people for their hair, they’re attracted to them for their vibe, what they create, and what value they bring to others. These were all things I lost sight of because I was too focused on my hair.
Nowadays, I push my talents and abilities to the front of my character and define myself around them, not my bald head. This shift in perspective allowed me to get my confidence back, and in a lot of ways get my damn balls back.
For reference, here’s my before and after. My face doesn’t look a whole hell of a lot different. The big thing, though, is while being a skinny, pale, bald-ass ginger, I managed to score a smoke-show of a girlfriend!
