I started going bald at 18 and have been shaving my head for the last 6 years. In a way, I’m the perfect person to answer this question because it feels like just yesterday I was flipping my bangs out of my eyes despite the fact that I’ve more than settled into my bald look. Honestly, coming up with the best part is difficult because I widely consider myself to be #blessed to have lost my hair.
The most obvious perk is the saved money. I haven’t paid for a haircut in quite some time, not to mention the cost of shampoos and conditioners. I probably save about $200 a year by shaving my head and washing my head with soap and water.|
To piggyback off that, not only am I not paying for haircuts, I don’t need to keep up with any hair trends. I’m never at risk of a bad hair day, and I’ll never look back at photos when I’m an old man and say, “what the fuck was I thinking with that man bun??”
In the summer, it’s nice and cool, and if I get caught in the rain, it takes no time to dry.
When I started losing my hair, my main concern was what girls would think. Most guys facing hair loss are familiar with the idea that women see a bald head as a deal breaker. At 20, I was hellbent on finding a wife as soon as possible, thinking I was living out my prime. Luckily, it played out different from what I’d imagined, and I’ve had way more attention from women since losing my hair.
All these things aside, the best thing about being bald is what I learned about myself going through the process. Hair loss is no joke - it destroys your self esteem and throws the kitchen sink at you mentally. It breaks a lot of guys, but if you dig your feet in and hang tough, you come out of it a better man. It teaches you what parts of yourself you should value, and what parts of yourself are empty and worthless. Looking back, hair was making me a vain douchebag. Now, I pride myself on my skills and my abilities - these are the things that matter. Not hair.
To summarize, going bald forces you to change your perspective on the parts of yourself you should value. This shift in perspective has made me more confident, empathetic, and 10x better than I originally was.