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Bald Questions: How do you compliment a guy on their bald head?


This question was originally answered on Quora

Compliment them like they’re a normal person - because they are.

It’s cool to say, “You look good without hair!” and “Bald is a good look for you!”

It’s not cool to say, “You look good for a bald guy!” It's like telling a fat person they’re pretty for someone who’s overweight.

Avoid any compliment that alludes to hair loss as a negative that’s been overcome. No one wants to their compliment to come with a qualifier like, “…for someone who has no hair.”

If you've read my book, you'll know that it takes a certain degree of "fuck it" attitude to bite the bullet and shave your head. That sorta "fuck it" attitude carries through past the first shave. That is to say, you don't need to tiptoe around bald guys, worried that you'll *trigger* them with a hair comment. We know we're bald.

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