This question was originally answered on Quora
No. As the other guys said, it’s a DHT thing.
But as a bald guy, I feel the responsibility to add to this answer.
Growing your hair long doesn’t increase hair loss or make you more susceptible to balding. However, even if it did, you should grow your hair out anyways.
I grew my hair down over my ears one year leading up to halloween. It was the longest I’d ever grown it. An inch away from being able to tie it back into a bun. The day after halloween, I cut it off and it would never grow that long again. Hair loss took hold, and that was it.
Full disclosure, I would have looked stupid with a bun, but now I’ll never know howstupid. I’ll never know what it feels like to tie it back, or have it blow around in the wind. Even if there is some myth out there about hair loss stemming from long hair, grow that shit out and try everything while you can. You never know when your hair will leave you.