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Bald Questions: Has anyone truly encountered a real cure for baldness?


This question was originally answered on Quora.

Losing your hair is embarrassing.

Hiding extra virgin olive oil in a plastic bag under the bathroom sink so your room mates don’t find it? That’s some next-level embarrassment.

I was that guy for a few months, trying every so-called-solution to stop my hairline from retreating further and further. That included supplements, vitamins, and using cooking oil for things other than cooking.

Nothing works. And what’s more, they leave you feeling worse and worse. You get let down with each apparent miracle cure.

Fact is, if there was an actual cure, the product would be massive. It would blow up from word of mouth alone. There would be bald men trampling each other to scoop it off the shelves. 53% of men suffer from hair loss - when an actual cure comes out, it will be impossible to not hear about it.

Best thing you can do is mentally get in a good place with yourself. Realize you’re more than a head of hair, and take it on the chin.

Best of luck to ya!

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