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Bald Questions: Has anyone tried endhairloss.EU full program?


This question was originally answered on Quora.

I’ve never tried it. I’m too proud (or stubborn!) to bring myself to treat my hair loss.

That said, I checked them out and based on their website alone I’d say it’s a scam. You really think someone who’s sitting on a surefire way to stop hair loss has budget-ass website like that? I don’t think so!

The real issue, though, is why you feel like you need to stop your hair loss. There are plenty of perks to being a bald man. If I could go back and stop my hair from falling out, I wouldn’t - I’d go back and start shaving my head at 20 instead of 22!

If you’re looking for solutions to balding, check out The Book of Bald: Going Bald Like a Man. You’re not gonna find some bullshit, half-baked scheme to stop hair loss. Instead, you’ll get empathy and empowerment. You’ll get the self-confidence you need to stop cowering from your hair loss. You’ll get more than a few laughs, too. I promise you that!

Then some jabroni named Luke thought he'd come sit at the adults table...

Nothing like a good Quora roast. #BBQChicken

**I should clarify that I've never tried endhairloss.EU's product and these are just my ill-informed opinions. That said, their website looks like trash and uses red text. Until you can afford a designer, I'm gonna assume you're a scam.

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